NASA Cuts Live ISS Video Feed As UFO Appears (Real Footage)

NASA Cuts Live ISS Video Feed As UFO Appears (Real Footage)

By: Collective Evolution. NASA was recently accused of cutting their live feed from the International Space Station (ISS) just as an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was spotted hovering in sight.
The event took place on January 15th and is causing quite a stir. As you can see, it’s a small grey object slowly rising and then disappearing as NASA cut the feed.  I am not saying this is an extraterrestrial space craft, but it’s unidentified.

At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years EX Canadian Defense Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle

At Least 4 Known Alien Species Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years EX Canadian Defense Minister Continues To Blow The Whistle

What Does the Ancient Alien Theory Suggest About Extraterrestrial Life?

What Does the Ancient Alien Theory Suggest About Extraterrestrial Life?
By John C Peden

The concept of an ancient alien life form is easy to understand. The theory of ancient aliens states that humans and life on Earth was influenced, thousands of years ago, by a group of extraterrestrial life forms that visited Earth in the past. These ancient aliens were directly involved in the evolution of primates, specifically humans and it has been suggested that this evolutionary process was accomplished through the use of genetic engineering (using alien technology), cross-breeding (with the alien life forms) or a combination of the two. This evolutionary process that took mankind from primates to homo sapiens ultimately gave rise to the development of human culture, technologies, religion and intellectual enlightenment.

The theory of ancient aliens playing a role in the development of modern man first became public in a publication by Erich von D�niken entitled Chariots of the Gods, in 1968. However, the concept has been in existence since the 19th century and a common variant of ancient alien-human interaction is that all gods, deities and higher-beings (including angels and demons) are in fact extraterrestrial life forms, whose advanced technologies were explained by the people of the time as evidence of divinity.

The ancient alien concept is closely related to the religious practice of 'cargo cult'. Cargo cult can be observed in modern-day societies that remain pre-industrial and during World War II, when indigenous people came into contact with soldiers and their advanced equipment (like tanks, guns and airplanes), attempts to obtain wealth through religious and/or religious practices became common. Religion and worship of one or more Gods is explained by the ancient alien theory by stating that these extraterrestrials intentionally convinced mankind that they and their race were Gods or God-like. This in turn created religion and allowed people to evolve more efficiently.

Statistically, based on the current age of the Universe and its innumerable stars, if the Earth is a typical planet then extraterrestrial life should not be uncommon. As a result, alien encounters would be statistically likely to occur and the lack of certified, authentic encounters would be quite inexplicable. This gave rise to the 'zoo theory' of extraterrestrial life which likens alien life forms to zoo keepers who prefer to observe simpler life forms as oppose to exert an excessive amount of influence or control over them so as to properly observe their natural behavior. The 'zoo theory' adheres to the hypothesis that the Earth and its life forms are being secretly observed through the use of monitoring equipment present on Earth or in our Solar System.

An unpublished manuscript from Charles Fort, written in 1915 put forward the idea of extraterrestrial life forms controlling human life on Earth. Fort ultimately destroyed the manuscript but a single surviving quote states that "The Earth is a farm...we are someone else's property."

For more information about alien life or UFO reports, check out!

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If man wasn't so greedy for money, then Nikola Tesla and his inventions would of massively benefited mankind!

First post for Hybrid Thinking!

If you're interested in ufo's, aliens, ancient mysteries and other unexplainable things of the universe, then look no further.
This is my place to finally get my point of view across on many of subjects I've been following for years. 
I've always believed in aliens as far back as I can remember, then as I got older I learnt about the ancient astronaut theory which certainly got my attention as there is so much fascinating stuff that has been found here on earth that still can't be fully explained by today's experts. 

Overs the years I started more and more research into the ancient astronaut theory, which just in-case you didn't know, is simply the belief, that aliens and ufos have been visiting earth for thousands of years and interacted with multiple ancient cultures around the world to teach in a variety of subjects. Lots of these ancient cultures speak of 'Gods' coming down from the stars to earth, but what if these beings that our ancestors apparently saw and interacted with were not simply made up gods and fairy tales, but were actual living and breathing alien beings visiting earth. Obviously travelling in space ships with highly advanced technology, that could easily fool ancient man to thinking that these crafts were 'godly'. 
That's basically the ancient astronaut theory in a nutshell really!

But basically like I said, this is just my place to talk about stories that pop up from around the globe on lots of subjects that mainstream media refuse to discuss or simply wont talk about because they know that the people will not accept it, as it does not fit in with the agenda they've been taught their whole life.
The aim of this site is to just open more peoples eyes to the possibilities of this amazing universe we're part of. As its so easy to fall into daily routines and just forget about the important things like what are the actual origins of humanity and the true nature of earth's mysterious past!